全球十大 LED 調光器製造商(2024 年)

全球十大 LED 調光器製造商(2024 年)

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在照明領域,LED 調光器在改善氣氛、節省能源和延長照明燈具的使用壽命方面發揮關鍵作用。本文重點介紹了十大 LED 調光器製造商,他們站在創新、品質和永續發展的最前沿,提供滿足全球多樣化需求的解決方案。

是什麼造就了優秀的 LED 調光器製造商?

頂級 LED 調光器製造商因生產優質、可靠的產品而脫穎而出。他們總是尋找新技術來改進調光器。為客戶提供優質的服務和幫助對他們來說至關重要。他們也關心環境並致力於綠色環保。這些事情最重要。好的產品可以長期使用且效果良好。新的想法讓他們保持領先。他們確保客戶滿意並得到支援。善待我們的星球是他們計劃的一部分。這種混合使他們脫穎而出。



Boqi, the brand of Shenzhen Boxinqi Technology Co., Ltd, started its journey in 2007. With a sharp focus on lighting control systems, Boqi has made innovation its core pursuit. The company doesn't compromise on quality, using top-notch components and strict checks to make sure their products last long and work well.

Boqi aims high, designing products that don't just meet but go beyond what customers expect. They keep an eye on performance and price, making sure you get more than you think. Their LED drivers, a key part of their product lineup, show Boqi's dedication to growth and adaptation. They stay up-to-date with industry changes and what their customers need, constantly improving their offerings.


LED 调光器: Boqi 推出 LED 調光器。這些先進的產品可與許多調光系統搭配使用。這種靈活性讓您可以恰到好處地調節照明,從而節省能源並使空間更加舒適。

LED驅動器: Boqi shines in making a wide variety of LED drivers. These drivers fit different needs, whether it's for your home, a big building, or a factory.

智慧照明解決方案: Boqi is also moving into smart lighting. They're combining their products with smart tech and the Internet of Things (IoT). This means you can control your lights from different digital devices, making it easier and smarter to light up your space.

By focusing on these key areas, Boqi is not just keeping up with the lighting industry; they're aiming to lead it, offering smart, durable solutions that make a real difference in how we light up our lives.


全球十大 LED 調光器製造商(2024 年)



路創電子有限公司成立於1961年,是一家著名的私人企業,專門從事照明控制、自動窗簾和節能產品的設計和製造。該公司由發明家、物理學家和工程師 Joel Spira 創立,透過固態調光器的發明徹底改變了照明產業。這項創新不僅使住宅和商業用途的燈光控制變得更加方便和節能,而且標誌著照明控制解決方案新時代的開始。


Lutron's product range has diversified significantly since its inception. Key products and innovations include:

  • 調光器和照明控制系統: Lutron's dimmers and lighting control solutions are designed for a variety of applications, from single-room solutions to whole-home and building automation systems, like Caséta, RadioRA 2, and Homeworks.



Legrand is a prominent French industrial group historically rooted in the electrical and digital building infrastructures sector. Established in 1865 in Limoges, France, Legrand has grown significantly over the years to become a global leader in products and systems for electrical installations and information networks. With a presence in over 90 countries and a workforce exceeding 36,000 employees, Legrand's operations span a vast array of products including electrical switches, outlets, home automation systems, cable management solutions, and more. The company's mission revolves around improving the electrical and digital infrastructure of buildings, making them more energy-efficient, secure, and comfortable for occupants.

LED 調光器解決方案系列

羅格朗提供全面的 LED 調光器解決方案,滿足住宅和商業需求。這些解決方案旨在提高能源效率、提供舒適度並實現個人化的照明環境。主要產品包括:

  • 通用調光器:羅格朗的通用調光器與多種光源相容,包括 LED、CFL、鹵素燈和白熾燈泡,提供平滑的調光和最佳性能。
  • 智慧調光器:這些調光器是羅格朗智慧家居技術產品組合的一部分,可透過智慧型手機應用程式遠端控制,允許用戶調整照明等級、設定場景和安排照明變化。它們與領先的智慧家庭平台相容。



Schneider Electric is a multinational company headquartered in France, specializing in energy management and automation solutions, spanning hardware, software, and services. Founded in 1836, the company has evolved from its initial industry focus to become a global leader in sustainable energy solutions. Schneider Electric's mission is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. Operating in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric serves customers across residential, building, data center, infrastructure, and industries by providing integrated efficiency solutions that combine energy, automation, and software.

LED 調光產品與服務

Schneider Electric offers a range of LED dimming products and services designed to meet the needs of various applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial environments. These products are part of Schneider Electric's broader lighting control solutions, which aim to enhance energy efficiency, comfort, and control for users. Key offerings include:

  • EcoStruxure 燈光與房間控制: This is a comprehensive solution that includes LED dimming capabilities. It's part of Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Building Operation, an integrated platform that provides advanced control over lighting, blinds, and HVAC systems to optimize comfort and energy efficiency.
  • 照明控制繼電器和調光器:施耐德電氣提供各種支援 LED 照明的繼電器和調光器。這些設備為照明管理提供可擴展的解決方案,使用戶能夠在降低能耗的同時實現所需的氛圍。



Philips Lighting, known as Signify since 2018, represents a pivotal shift in the identity and strategic direction of one of the world's leading lighting companies. Originally part of the Dutch conglomerate Philips, founded in 1891, Philips Lighting has been at the forefront of innovations in the lighting industry for over a century. The rebranding to Signify marked a significant milestone, reflecting the company's broader commitment to innovation and sustainability beyond traditional lighting products. Signify remains committed to the Philips brand, continuing to use it for its products under a licensing agreement.

LED 調光器選項和智慧照明

Signify 提供全面的 LED 調光選項和智慧照明解決方案,旨在滿足各種需求和偏好,包括住宅、商業和工業應用。主要產品包括:

  • 飛利浦色調:飛利浦 Hue 是 Signify 的旗艦智慧照明生態系統,涵蓋各種智慧燈泡、燈具、燈具和配件,可透過智慧型手機應用程式、語音命令或智慧家庭整合進行控制。 Philips Hue 產品提供廣泛的調光功能,讓使用者可以調整照明等級以適應他們的心情、活動或一天中的時間。
  • 相互影響: Signify's Interact platform provides connected lighting systems for cities, businesses, and industries. It enables intelligent control and management of lighting, improving energy efficiency and operational performance. For commercial and industrial settings, LED dimming is part of the broader energy-saving and environment-enhancing features.



Leviton 是一家著名的美國公司,自1906 年成立以來,對電氣和電子接線設備行業產生了重大影響。該公司由Isidor Leviton 創立,最初只提供單一產品,即用於氣體照明的燈罩尖端,但很快轉向電氣解決方案,電力變得更加普遍。一個多世紀以來,立維騰已成長為全球領導者,以其在電氣佈線、網路解決方案、智慧家庭技術和能源管理系統領域的廣泛產品而聞名。其總部位於紐約州梅爾維爾,業務遍及80多個國家,為全球客戶提供服務。


Leviton's product diversity is a key strength, encompassing a wide range of solutions:

  • 電氣接線裝置:包括住宅和商業應用的開關、插座和調光器。
  • 照明控制與能源管理:提高能源效率和舒適度的解決方案,包括佔用感測器、定時器和調光器。
  • 智慧家庭科技:Leviton 的 Decora Smart 產品線處於智慧家庭創新的前沿,允許用戶透過智慧型手機應用程式或語音控制遠端控制照明、電器和其他家居系統,與主要智慧家庭平台無縫整合。



Osram, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a global leader in the lighting industry, with a history dating back to 1919. The company has evolved from a manufacturer of traditional light bulbs to a high-tech provider of innovative lighting solutions, including advanced LED technologies, smart lighting applications, and various lighting-related services. Osram operates worldwide, with a presence in more than 120 countries, emphasizing its global operations' scale and reach. Its extensive product portfolio caters to a wide range of markets, including automotive, semiconductor, and the public sector, showcasing its versatility and adaptability to different industry needs.


Osram's advancements in LED dimming technology stand out as a core area of expertise. The company offers a diverse array of LED lighting solutions that feature sophisticated dimming capabilities, suitable for both commercial and residential settings. These solutions range from simple, user-friendly dimming systems to more complex, programmable networks that can be integrated into smart home and building management systems. Applications of Osram's LED dimming technology include:

  • 住宅照明:透過可調節的照明來改善家庭環境,這些照明可以改變強度和顏色以匹配一天中的時間、情緒或特定活動。
  • 商業空間:為辦公室、零售空間和飯店業提供節能照明解決方案,這些領域的氛圍和節能至關重要。
  • 工業及戶外:為街道、公共區域和工業場所提供強大的照明選項,這些地方需要耐用性和對不同照明條件的適應性。



GE照明是照明產業的歷史品牌,其歷史可以追溯到19世紀末,當時托馬斯愛迪生發明了第一個實用的白熾燈泡。這項發明為 1892 年成立的通用電氣 (GE) 成為全球照明市場的主要參與者奠定了基礎。數十年來,GE 照明一直是照明技術創新的代名詞,引領白熾燈、鹵素燈、緊湊型螢光燈和 LED 照明解決方案的發展。該公司曾經是大型GE 集團的一部分,經歷了重大轉型,包括最近於2020 年被Savant Systems, Inc. 收購。這一舉措標誌著戰略轉變,將GE Lighting 的創新傳統與Savant 的智能家居技術專業知識相結合。旨在重新定義家居照明的未來。

LED 調光器產品線和特性

GE Lighting has expanded its product portfolio to include a range of LED dimming solutions, catering to the growing demand for energy-efficient and customizable lighting options. Their LED dimmer products are designed to provide consumers with superior control over their lighting environments, enhancing comfort and ambiance in residential and commercial spaces. Key features of GE Lighting's LED dimmer product lines include:

  • 相容性: GE's LED dimmers are compatible with a wide range of LED bulbs and fixtures, ensuring smooth and flicker-free dimming performance across different brands and models.
  • 智慧整合: Some of GE Lighting's LED dimmers are designed to integrate seamlessly with smart home systems, allowing users to control their lighting preferences through mobile apps or voice commands via platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
  • 能源效率: By allowing precise control over lighting levels, GE's LED dimmers help reduce energy consumption, contributing to lower electricity bills and a smaller carbon footprint.



Acuity Brands, Inc. 總部位於喬治亞州亞特蘭大,是照明和建築管理解決方案的領先供應商,以其創新和全面的產品和服務組合而聞名。 Acuity Brands 成立於 20 世紀初,現已發展成為北美最大的照明製造商之一,提供廣泛的照明、控制系統和相關產品。該公司服務於多元化的客戶群,包括商業、機構、工業和住宅市場,致力於提供高品質、永續的智慧照明解決方案。

先進的 LED 調光技術

Acuity Brands 處於 LED 調光技術的前沿,提供先進的解決方案,提高各種環境下的能源效率、舒適度和功能。他們的 LED 調光技術整合在從建築、商業到住宅照明系統的各種照明產品中。這些技術提供了幾個關鍵特性:

  • 平滑調光: Acuity Brands' LED solutions are designed for smooth dimming to very low levels, without flickering or buzzing, ensuring a high-quality lighting experience.
  • 無線控制: Many of Acuity Brands' LED dimming products support wireless control, enabling users to adjust lighting settings remotely via smartphones or tablets. This feature is particularly integrated within their smart lighting systems, facilitating ease of use and flexibility in lighting management.
  • 自適應調光:Acuity Brands 採用自適應調光功能,可根據自然光可用性或佔用情況自動調整照明水平,進一步優化能源使用並提高舒適度。



Eaton Corporation plc is a diversified power management company founded in 1911, with its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, and operational headquarters in Beachwood, Ohio, USA. Eaton's primary aim is to help customers manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power more efficiently, safely, and sustainably. The company serves various markets, including commercial, residential, utility, industrial, transportation, and aerospace. With approximately 92,000 employees and selling products to customers in more than 175 countries, Eaton's global presence underscores its significant role in the power management industry.

LED 調光解決方案系列

Eaton offers a comprehensive range of LED dimming solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of its customers. These solutions encompass a variety of products including dimmers, lighting control systems, and smart lighting solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Eaton's LED dimming products are recognized for their compatibility with a wide range of LED bulbs and fixtures, ensuring smooth and flicker-free performance. Key features of Eaton's LED dimming solutions include:

  • 住宅調光器:伊頓提供一系列適合家庭使用的壁掛式調光器,具有可編程設定、多位置調光以及與包括 LED 在內的各種照明類型兼容等功能。
  • 商業照明控制: For commercial settings, Eaton's solutions include sophisticated lighting management systems that allow for detailed control over lighting conditions, energy usage, and system integration.
  • 無線和智慧照明解決方案: Eaton's smart lighting and control systems offer wireless connectivity, enabling users to control lighting through mobile apps or voice commands. These systems can integrate with broader building management systems for enhanced efficiency and convenience.



Hubbell Lighting, a division of Hubbell Incorporated, is a leading player in the lighting industry, renowned for its comprehensive range of high-quality lighting solutions. Founded in the late 19th century, Hubbell has established itself as a key innovator in lighting technology, with a strong presence in both the commercial and residential markets. The company's commitment to excellence and innovation has enabled it to make significant contributions to the lighting industry, continuously pushing the boundaries of lighting design, efficiency, and functionality.


Hubbell Lighting offers an extensive array of LED dimming products and solutions, catering to a broad spectrum of applications including commercial, industrial, residential, and outdoor environments. The company's LED dimming capabilities are integrated into many of its lighting products, allowing for greater control over lighting levels, enhancing ambiance, reducing energy consumption, and extending the lifespan of lighting installations. Hubbell's LED dimming solutions are compatible with a wide range of control systems, from simple wall-mounted dimmers to sophisticated building management systems, providing flexibility and ease of integration for various project requirements.


選擇正確的製造商需要考慮相容性、產品範圍和售後支援。這些因素可確保您選擇的 LED 調光器滿足您的特定需求並提供長期價值。

LED 照明和調光的未來

The future of LED lighting and dimming is bright, with emerging markets, technological breakthroughs, and ongoing challenges. The industry's commitment to innovation and sustainability will continue to drive progress and expand opportunities.


LED 調光器可節省能源、延長燈光使用壽命並讓您控制房間亮度。它們有助於為任何活動營造合適的氛圍。

LED 調光器可透過降低光亮度來減少功耗。這意味著您可以減少用電量並節省電費。

是的,LED 調光器可以與智慧家庭系統搭配使用。這使您可以透過電話或語音命令控制燈光,從而增加便利性。

Consider the type of LED lights you have, the dimmer's compatibility, control features, and if it fits your smart home system.

未來的 LED 調光可以提供更好的兼容性、更多的節能和更聰明的控制,可以根據您的習慣進行學習,從而更輕鬆地使用。


全球十大 LED 調光器製造商不僅在創新和品質方面處於領先地位,而且在品質方面處於領先地位。他們是塑造永續和節能未來的先驅。他們對卓越和客戶滿意度的承諾確保照明產業不斷發展,提供滿足全球用戶不斷變化的需求的解決方案。

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