Cara Memasang Driver LED TRIAC yang Dapat Diredupkan (Termasuk Diagram Pengkabelan)

Cara Memasang Driver LED TRIAC yang Dapat Diredupkan (Termasuk Diagram Pengkabelan)

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Dimming LED lights bring warmth and flexibility to rooms. TRIAC dimmable LED drivers shine among dimming tech. They change light brightness but keep energy use low. This guide shows how to connect these drivers. We aim to make your lights not just bright or dim, but perfect for every moment. Simple steps and clear tips will help you get there. With these drivers, your space will glow just right, saving power too. Let's make your lighting both stunning and smart.

Pengantar Driver LED TRIAC yang Dapat Diredupkan

Lampu redup does more than just lower brightness. It crafts the ideal mood. TRIAC, short for Triode for Alternating Current, is a switch for dimming. It makes dimming smooth, saves energy, and works with many dimmer switches. With TRIAC dimmable LED drivers, you control light precisely. You save on bills and fit the dimmer or switch you already have. This technology lets you adjust lighting to suit any time or feeling. It's not just about making a room darker. It's about enhancing the space with the right light level. This way, you would feel just right, any time of the day at home.

Apa itu TRIAC?

Memahami Dasar-Dasar Peredupan TRIAC

TRIAC dimming controls the power of LED lights, adjusting their brightness. It's different from other methods because it works with alternating current (AC), making it compatible with many household dimmers. The key components include the TRIAC switch, a driver circuit, and the LED light source.

Cara Kerja Peredupan TRIAC: Involves a small device called TRIAC, which stands for Triode for Alternating Current. This device controls the amount of electricity that flows to your LED lights. By adjusting this flow, it can make your lights brighter or dimmer. Imagine turning a dial that decides how much water flows through a hose; that's how TRIAC adjusts light.

Komponen Driver LED TRIAC yang Dapat Diredupkan: Include the TRIAC itself, a control circuit that tells the TRIAC how to adjust the light, and the power supply that feeds electricity to the LEDs. Together, they form a team that controls your lighting, ensuring it's just right for any moment.

TRIAC vs. Teknologi Peredupan Lainnya: Meskipun ada banyak cara untuk meredupkan lampu, TRIAC menonjol karena kesederhanaan dan kompatibilitasnya. Tidak seperti metode lain yang mungkin memerlukan kabel atau bohlam khusus, TRIAC bekerja dengan pengaturan kelistrikan standar Anda. Anda mungkin tahu, tentang peredupan serupa yang disebut peredupan fase potong. Ada 2 macam kontrolnya, seperti

Kontrol Fase Maju (Terdepan).

Kontrol Fase Terbalik (Tegangan Rendah Elektronik).

Forward Phase (Leading Edge) Controls and Reverse Phase (Electronic Low Voltage) Controls are two main types of dimming methods used in lighting systems. Let's break down these concepts into simpler terms.

Kontrol Fase Maju, also known as Leading Edge, are mostly produced based on Triac dimming technology, which works by chopping off the start of the electricity wave. Think of it as snipping the beginning of a piece of string. This method is common and works well with many types of lights, especially incandescent and halogen bulbs. It's like turning down the volume on your radio with a simple knob. Nowadays, most TRIAC dimmable LED Drivers are leading edge type.

gambar 1
Bentuk Gelombang AC Peredupan Tepi Terdepan

Kontrol Fase Terbalik, which can be called trailing edge, are mostly produced based on MOSFETS. On the other hand, cut off the end of the electricity wave. Imagine cutting the end of the string instead. This technique is also called Electronic Low Voltage (ELV) and is better suited for low voltage lights, like some LEDs. It's more like using a sophisticated slider to adjust the sound precisely, providing smoother dimming for sensitive lighting.

bentuk gelombang ac peredupan tepi belakang
Bentuk Gelombang AC Peredupan Tepi Belakang

Kedua metode ini mempunyai peranan masing-masing dalam desain pencahayaan, menawarkan cara berbeda untuk mencapai suasana sempurna dan efisiensi energi di rumah dan bisnis.

Persiapan Pengkabelan

Before starting, gather your tools and materials. You'll need wire cutters, screwdrivers, electrical tape, and the TRIAC dimmable LED driver. Safety first: turn off power at the circuit breaker. Check your LED driver's specifications to match your lighting needs.

Pengkabelan Driver LED TRIAC yang Dapat Diredupkan

Dengan Peredup Pemotong Fase (Peredup Tepi Depan atau Peredup Tepi Belakang)

1. Menghubungkan Driver ke Listrik: Start by connecting the driver's input wire neutral (N) to your power source neutral (N). This usually involves matching the live (L), neutral (N), and earth (E) wires.

2. Memasang Sumber Cahaya LED: Next, connect the driver's output wires to your LED light. Ensure the positive (+) and negative (-) wires match up.

3. Mengintegrasikan Peredup TRIAC: Finally, wire the dimmer switch live (L) to the power source live (L) and the dimmer's other terminal links to the driver live (L). The wiring diagram is as follows.

Ini memungkinkan Anda mengontrol kecerahan lampu LED Anda.

Dengan Peredup Tepi Depan dan Belakang

1. Hubungkan Daya Utama: Mulailah dengan menghubungkan daya utama ke peredup LED Anda. Ini biasanya melibatkan menghubungkan kabel hidup (L) dan netral (N) ke terminal INPUT pada peredup Anda.

2. Hubungkan Driver LED: Integrate your TRIAC dimmer by connecting its OUTPUT terminal to the driver's INPUT terminal. This setup allows the dimmer to regulate the power flowing to the driver and, subsequently, the LED lights.

3. Pasang Lampu LED: Finally, connect your LED lights to the driver. Ensure the positive (+) and negative (-) wires match the driver's output terminals. The wiring diagram is as follows.

4. Amankan Koneksi: Gunakan pita listrik untuk menutupi kabel atau terminal yang terbuka, pastikan sambungan aman dan terlindungi.

diagram pengkabelan peredup tepi depan dan tepi belakang
Diagram Pengkabelan Peredup Tepi Depan dan Tepi Belakang

Test Your Setup: With everything connected, it's time to power up and test. Gradually adjust the dimmer to see if the LED lights respond as expected.

Pengujian dan Pemecahan Masalah

After wiring, it's time to test. Turn the power back on and adjust the dimmer. If the light doesn't turn on or flickers, check your connections. Make sure all wires are secure and correctly matched. After that, the light is still flickering, check the compatibility between the dimmer and LED driver. It's better to prefer our Peredup Leading dan Trailing Edge, BQ-TTLDIM yang kompatibel dengan driver LED TRIAC 99% yang dapat diredupkan di pasaran.

Jenis Desain Model Pribadi Sendiri: Peredup LED Triac untuk Tepi terdepan & tepi belakang
Tegangan Masukan: 100 ~ 240 VAC
Tegangan Keluaran: 100 ~ 240 VAC
Arus Keluaran: Maks 1,25A
Daya Keluaran: 5-300W
Sinyal Masukan: Kenop Putar+2.4GHz*
Rentang Peredupan: 0-100%
SertifikatCE EMC LVD SAA
Dimensi: 86X86X22mm
Jaminan: 5 tahun

Hal Lain yang Perlu Diperhatikan

Konfigurasi Pengkabelan Tingkat Lanjut

Untuk pengaturan yang lebih rumit, seperti beberapa driver atau zona pencahayaan, rencanakan pengkabelan Anda dengan cermat. Pastikan setiap driver kompatibel dan terhubung dengan benar ke zona kontrolnya. Sistem rumah pintar mungkin memerlukan konfigurasi tambahan untuk integrasi yang lancar.

Pemeliharaan dan Perawatan

Jaga driver LED Anda dalam kondisi prima dengan memeriksa sambungan secara rutin dan membersihkan komponen. Jika Anda mengalami masalah, berkonsultasi dengan profesional seringkali merupakan pilihan paling aman.

Pertimbangan Hukum dan Peraturan

Pengkabelan komponen listrik harus mematuhi kode dan standar setempat. Ini memastikan keamanan dan keandalan. Selalu periksa apakah driver dan pemasangan LED TRIAC yang dapat diredupkan memenuhi persyaratan ini.

Efisiensi dan Keberlanjutan Energi

Peredupan TRIAC tidak hanya meningkatkan pengalaman pencahayaan Anda namun juga berkontribusi terhadap penghematan energi. Dengan menyesuaikan tingkat cahaya, Anda hanya menggunakan energi yang diperlukan, sehingga mengurangi jejak karbon.


Wiring a TRIAC dimmable LED driver might seem daunting, but with the right tools and a step-by-step approach, it's achievable. This technology offers a blend of efficiency, control, and ambiance, making it a smart choice for any lighting project.


It's a method of adjusting LED light brightness using a TRIAC switch, suitable for many home dimmers.

Ya, dengan pengetahuan kelistrikan dasar dan kepatuhan yang cermat terhadap pedoman keselamatan, Anda dapat menyambungkan driver LED TRIAC yang dapat diredupkan.

Check connections, ensure compatibility, and consult the driver's manual. Sometimes, replacing the dimmer with a compatible model is necessary.

Cocokkan spesifikasi driver LED Anda dengan sumber cahaya dan sakelar peredup. Cari driver yang dirancang untuk peredupan TRIAC.

Driver LED TRIAC yang dapat diredupkan menawarkan peredupan yang mulus, efisiensi energi, dan sering kali kompatibel dengan peredup rumah tangga yang ada.

Pilih peredup TRIAC yang kompatibel dengan rumah pintar atau sambungkan melalui hub rumah pintar yang mendukung peredupan.

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Layanan 7/24 Jam, kami akan selalu menghubungi Anda secepat mungkin, dan tidak lebih dari 12 jam setelah menerima pesan Anda. Setiap pertanyaan jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami segera. 

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